§ MR. A. O'CONNOR (Donegal, E.)I beg to ask the Chief Secretary to the Lord Lieutenant of Ireland whether the police in Ireland serve Excise summonses; and whether there is any reason why such summonses should not be served in Ireland by the police as they are in England?
MR. J. MORLEYThe police in Ireland serve Inland Revenue summonses only in cases where they themselves prosecute, and in cases under the Gun Licence Act when specially requested to do so by the Supervisor of Inland Revenue. The Inspector General is not aware what summonses are served by the police in England, lint seeing that the duties of the Royal Irish Constabulary are already so varied and multitudinous he considers it would not be possible to arrange that the latter shall serve summonses except in cases where they are the prosecutors. I shall, however, consult him further in this matter.