HC Deb 07 August 1894 vol 28 cc254-5
THE MARQUESS OF GRANBY (Leicestershire, Melton)

I beg to ask the President of the Local Government Board whether his attention has been called to a meeting of the Melton Mowbray Rural Sanitary Authority on the 26th of July, held at Melton, when statements were made, describing the condition of the River Eye at Asfordby, to the effect that at that place the river was so polluted by sewage from Melton that some 10,000 fish were lying dead in the water; that the stench was absolutely unbearable; that all persons residing near the river at Asfordby who could do so were leaving their homes in consequence; and that the Medical Officers of Health testified that this condition of affairs constituted a grave and immediate danger to the inhabitants of the district; whether he is aware that at the meeting in question it was stated that application had been made to the Local Government Board for sanction to a scheme for dealing with the Melton sewage at the beginning of May last, but that no reply bad been sent to this request by the Local Government Board; will he explain why, although the clerk of the Leicestershire County Council and the Rev. Canon Cartmell, Rector of Asfordby, have written to the Local Government Board on this matter, nothing but bare acknowledgments of their letters have been received by them; and whether, if this is so, he will cause inquiry to be made into the cause of these delays, and will take immediate steps to assist the Melton Local Board to deal with the circumstances of the case?


I have not received any Report of the proceedings of the Melton Mowbray Rural Sanitary Authority at the meeting referred to. The facts are not as stated in the question. The Local Government Board, after a visit to the district by one of their Inspectors, wrote to the Melton Mowbray Local Board in April, 1893, pointing out that the condition of things as regards the treatment and disposal of the sewage of the district was most unsatisfactory, and should not be allowed to continue, and requesting that they would deal with the matter without delay. The Local Government Board communicated with the Local Board in June, in August, and in October of last year, and in January and February of the present year, and again on the 5th of May, as to what they were intending to do in the matter. It was not until the 18th of May that the Board were informed of the works proposed, and received an application for sanction to a loan. Further details as to the works being required, the Local Board were asked on the 4th of June for further particulars, and they were at the same time informed that a local inquiry by one of the Board's Inspectors had been directed. The particulars asked for were received on the 21st of July, and it was then stated that it was also intended to make application for a loan for additional land and for sewer extension. On the 26th of July the Board wrote, stating that an inquiry in respect of the previous application had been fixed for the 8th of August, and that particulars of the further proposals should at once be furnished if it was desired that the application should be considered at the same inquiry. The further particulars were received on the 28th of July, and the notices for the inquiry were issued on the 1st of August. The letter of the Rev. Canon Cartmell was received on the 25th of July, and the Board on the following day communicated with the Local Board. The Board have not received any communication from the County Council on the subject.


Then does the inquiry take place to-morrow?


I believe it does.