HC Deb 03 August 1894 vol 28 cc29-30
CAPTAIN SINCLAIR (Dumbartonshire)

I beg to ask the Secretary to the Treasury whether he is aware that from time immemorial the inhabitants of the locality have played cricket and other games upon Swan Green, in the New Forest; that, notwithstanding this, the deputy surveyor has given formal notice to the Emery Down Cricket Club not to play cricket upon the Green until they have received the permission of the Commissioners of Woods and Forests to do so; and whether the action of the deputy surveyor has been sanctioned by him: and, if not, whether he will give orders that the national game shall be encouraged rather than hindered in the New Forest?


It is believed to be the case that boys have been accustomed to play games on Swan Green, in the New Forest, and this usage has not been interrupted by the Commissioners of Woods. A new club has just been started which, without permission asked or obtained from the Crown, has appropriated a particular portion of Swan Green for a cricket pitch and has rolled it. The Deputy Surveyor of the Now Forest, in the discharge of his duty, gave notice to this Cricket Club not to make any use of the ground without the authority of the Crown. The terms on which such authority will be given have since been communicated to the Cricket Club. There is no intention on the part of the Commissioners of Woods to stop the inhabitants of Emery Down from enjoying themselves over Swan Green as they have been accustomed to do. Cricket Clubs cannot, however, be allowed to appropriate, level, and roll particular portions of the New Forest without permission from the Commissioner of Woods, who is responsible for the management of the Forest.