HC Deb 01 September 1893 vol 16 c1703
MR. PICKERS GILL (Bethnal Green, S.E.)

I beg to ask the Secretary of State for War whether his attention has been drawn to a statement that recently, as the tender Sir Richard Grenville was proceeding to the Cape Mail steamer Dunottar Castle, upon the arrival of the latter at Plymouth, two projectiles (220 lb. shot) were fired from Fort Pucklecombe across the tender's bows, and a third under her stern, ricocheting in front of the port bow; and that subsequently, as the Dunottar Castle was making for Cawsand Bay, a shot struck the water ahead, and a second fell within 300 yards, creating great confusion among the passengers, and that two other shots followed; and whether any inquiry has been made respecting the truth of these allegations; and, if so, will he state the result of such inquiry?


I have just this moment received the following telegram from the General at Devonport:— Report by post to-night. Purport herewith. The practice was perfectly correct and legitimate under the circumstances. The Dunottar Castle was in no danger whatever, the shot in question being directed at and falling close to a stationary object more than 500 yards beyond and 500 yards to the right of her as she lay alongside her tender, 2,500 yards from Pucklecombe Fort. I am receiving further details.