HC Deb 30 November 1893 vol 19 cc97-8

I beg to ask the Under Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs if he is aware that the United States Government has in readiness one of its vessels of war, the dynamite ship Vesuvius, to proceed as soon as possible to the principal passenger route on the Atlantic in search of derelicts, and that the United States Government is anxious--to obtain the co-operation of the British' Government in removing from this much frequented sea highway these most dangerous obstructions; and whether he-will make inquiry into the matter, and take immediate steps to facilitate so desirable an undertaking?


We have heard nothing from the United States on the subject, but Her Majesty's Ambassador is being instructed to ask whether the United States Government have taken any action or propose to do so.


I beg to ask the President of the Board of Trade whether a telegram from Belfast in the following terms has reached him:— Brig Vera reached Queenstown last night.. Reported having met iron derelict bottom upwards, 48 45 north longitude, 10 35 west, 250 miles west of Fastnet. Most dangerous. Derelict in track Transatlantic liners.


I only received the telegram a short time ago. There is no means of directing inquiries, and I cannot do anything in the matter. My hon. Friend the Under Secretary for Foreign Affairs is in communication with the American Government through the Foreign Office with reference to this matter. I am sorry to hear the report, but I am not surprised, having regard to the large number of vessels missing.


Does the right hon. Gentleman always wait for the American Government before he takes steps to remove dangerous wrecks?


This derelict has been met 250 miles beyond the Fast-net, and under those circumstances the Government can only deal with the matter in concert with other Governments. We must act in conjunction with the Admiralty. It is not expected the Board of Trade has a cruiser ready to start when these reports reach us.