HC Deb 13 November 1893 vol 18 c762
DR. MACGREGOR (Inverness-shire)

I beg to ask the Secretary for Scotland whether the Government, in framing the measure for Local Government in Scotland, will consider the desirability of giving to County or District Councils power and facilities for planting waste and unproductive moorlands in the Highlands, where there are millions of acres unfit for arable or pastoral purposes but well suited for afforestment?


This is a large and interesting question which, as the hon. Member is no doubt aware, was raised before the Select Committee on Colonisation in 1890 by the hon. Member for Leith Burghs. I observe that it has recently been brought under the notice of the Highlands and Islands Commission, and I can only at present say that I shall be glad to give my careful consideration to any scheme for the development of the waste lands of the Highlands by forestry, which may be laid before me.