HC Deb 07 November 1893 vol 18 c338
SIR E. ASHMEAD-BARTLETT (Sheffield, Ecclesall)

I beg to ask the Secretary to the Admiralty if he can give any information as to the loss of life among British naval officers at Rio de Janeiro?


I have to announce with deep regret, that the two following telegrams reached the Admiralty on Saturday from the senior officer at Rio:— 1. "Yesterday afternoon one boat from Sirius, Racer, and Beagle, getting sand from near powder store; latter exploded. With deep grief report officersmissing:—Lieutenants Beauchamp Moubray, of Sirius; Charles de Beauvoir Tupper of Racer; Boatswain Robert Harris, Sirius; Lynch, A.B., Sirius, killed. Five men wounded. All the wounded are doing well. 2. "No doubt remains that the three officers named were killed by the explosion. Last night the senior officer was directed to report more fully the circumstances under which the explosion occurred. No further information had reached the Admiralty up to this afternoon.