§ MR. DARLING (Deptford)I beg to ask the Attorney General whether it is the intention that, for the first time, civil business shall be taken at the forthcoming Winter Assize at Cardiff, and whether at Birmingham no such Assize is to be hold; and whether, as the average number of causes for trial at the Assizes at Birmingham in the spring and summer is double that for trial at Cardiff, he will state why civil business is taken at Cardiff and not at Birmingham on the Winter Circuit?
§ * SIR C. RUSSELLIn answer to the hon. and learned Member, the facts are as stated in the first portion of this question. The arrangement was made by an Order in Council, which Order in Council was arrived at on the recommendation of a Committee of the Judges. I am not aware whether the average number of cases is as stated in the second paragraph of the question, but I am instructed that the Lord Chancellor will be glad to have them from the hon. Member.
§ MR. DARLINGI do not know whether the Attorney General can tell me whether the City of Birmingham also desired to have Assizes at this period of the year; and whether that desire of theirs was considered when Assizes were allowed to Cardiff?
§ SIR C. RUSSELLI am not able to say.