HC Deb 01 June 1893 vol 12 cc1751-3

I beg to ask the Secretary for Scotland whether his attention has been drawn to the report of a special meeting of the Invergordon Borough Commissioners, in The People's Journal of Saturday, 13th May, at which the Borough Surveyor's Report with regard to the foul water supply was considered, from which it appears that the sewer-drain going through the Nonikiln burying-ground and the sewer-drain of Nonikiln steading and house runs into the water which supplies the town, and that on a recent Sunday the state of the water was such with sheep dip, &c., that many in town were rendered sick, and quite a number lost their dinners, the water being almost thick with filth; whether he is aware that this state of matters has been in existence during a lengthened period; whether the County Medical Officer of Health has made inquiry into the state of affairs; whether he has reported thereon; if so, will the Report be laid upon the Table of the House; and whether immediate steps will be taken to deal with the matter?


Upon inquiry, I find it to be the case that upon a recent Sunday the water supply of Invergordon was undrinkable through sheep dip having been poured into the source of supply. The water supply of the burgh has apparently been subject to pollution from the causes mentioned by the hon. Member during a lengthened period. The County Authorities are not responsible for the purity of the burgh water supply and no complaint has been received by them until after the Sunday in question; but on receiving complaint the District Sanitary Inspector at once issued notices requiring removal of the nuisance, and, if necessary, prosecutions will follow. The County Medical Officer has twice visited the place and approved of the action taken. The Police Commissioners have intimated to the Board of Supervision that they are about to borrow for the purpose of improving their water supply; and, meanwhile, they have received an assurance from the tenant of Nonikiln that he will do his utmost to prevent the recurrence of the special contamination by sheep dip. It is also understood that the tenant is prepared to divert the drain from his house and with it any matter proceeding from the churchyard. Since the question was on the Paper, I have written to the Board of Supervision on the matter, and have been informed in reply that the Engineer employed by the Board to report with a view to the proposed loan has been requested to examine the source of supply and to suggest means for the purification of the water.