§ DR. MACGREGORI beg to ask the President of the Board of Trade whether his attention has been drawn to a Report presented to the Board last Summer by the Council of the Royal Society on the best methods of testing for colour blindness among railway servants and mariners; whether he has also seen a Report, which was sent to the Board in June, 1892, by the Council of the British Medical Association, showing the inefficiency of the methods of sight testing employed on most of the railways of the United Kingdom; and whether the Board has taken, or is about to take, any steps to secure a more efficient control of the eyesight of such seamen and railway men as are responsible for the safe conduct of traffic?
§ MR. MUNDELLAThe attention of the Board of Trade was called to the Reports referred to in paragraphs 1 and 2 of the hon. Member's question, and the matter is receiving attention. With regard to seamen, steps are being taken for a revised system of colour tests; and as regards railway servants, a Circular Letter on the subject has been addressed to all the Railway Companies, and as soon as the correspondence is complete the Board will consider whether it could be usefully laid before Parliament.