HC Deb 04 July 1893 vol 14 c808
MR. HANBURY (Preston)

I beg to ask the Secretary of State for War what is the total amount paid, or to be paid, for the inventor's rights or claims in respect of the Slade-Wallace equipment; what rights or claims was the sum of £4,000 intended to include; did it include payment for royalties on equipments supplied to all of Her Majesty's Forces, including the Volunteers, or only on those supplied to a portion of those Forces; and what portion of such royalty, or of the £4,000, has been paid to any officer on full pay or who had served as a member of the Equipment Committee?


The sum of £4,000 was paid in 1891 in full discharge of all claims, present and prospective, in connection with the Slade-Wallace equipment. In the final settlement no mention was made of royalties; but the supply to Volunteers was left to arrangement between the officers commanding corps which made purchases and the manufacturers or contractors supplying the goods. It may be remarked that this particular equipment is not compulsory on Volunteer corps, as considerable latitude is allowed as regards pattern. Half of the £4,000 was paid to Colonel Slade, who is on full-pay, and had been from 1884 to 1886 a member of the Equipment Committee, as the hon. Member was informed on the 19th of July, 1889.


Do I understand that no royalty was paid in addition to the £4,000 before that sum was actually paid?


I do not imagine that any royalty was paid; but as the hon. Member is aware, I am not personally cognisant with the facts. I understood the £4,000 was in discharge of all claims, personal and otherwise.