HC Deb 17 February 1893 vol 8 c1707

I beg to ask the Secretary for Scotland whether persons who are magistrates of Royal Burghs, and not permanent Justices of the Peace, are generally placed On the permanent Commission of the Peace for the counties where such burghs are; if so, would he explain tine reason why the two bailies of Dingwall, the three bailies of Tain, and the Provost and two baffles of Cromarty were not added to the Commission of the Peace for Ross and Cromarty with the new Justices of the Peace lately made; and will he recommend these to be added to the list of Justices of the Peace; and will the Government take stops to see that in future persons in touch with the working and agricultural classes are appointed as magistrates?


The magistrates of Royal Burghs are frequently placed permanently on the County Bench, but such appointment is made by the Lord Chancellor on the recommendation of the Lord Lieutenant. The Secretary for Scotland has no voices and no responsibility in the matter whatever. I only wish he had.