HC Deb 14 February 1893 vol 8 cc1383-4

I beg to ask the Secretary of State for the Home Department whether he has observed the statement in the papers that the Russian Nihilists recently arrested in Paris were taken to Calais under escort and placed on board the Dover steamboat for England; and whether he will take steps to prevent such characters landing in England in future? In the absence of my hon. and gallant Friend. the Member for the Central Division of Sheffield, I will ask the question standing in his name—i.e., if his attention has been directed to the official declaration by the Premier of France on the 16th ult., that the Republican Government had had certain foreigners, regarded as dangerous and concerned in dynamite outrages, arrested and conducted to the frontier (thereby meaning on board ship for England); and if any protest against such action has been raised by Her Majesty's Government?


A representation was made to the French Government by Lord Rosebery as soon as the alleged deportation of the persons mentioned to this country was brought to his knowledge; but, on inquiry being made, it appears that the men in question were simply ordered to leave France, and their crossing to Dover was due to their own choice.