HC Deb 14 February 1893 vol 8 cc1366-7
MR. CAYZER (Barrow-in-Furness)

I beg to ask the President of the Board of Trade, with reference to the notice given by the Harbour Department of the Board of Trade, dated 9th February, of the application the Department have received from the Clyde Navigation Trustees for permission to deposit the dredgings from Glasgow Harbour and the River Clyde on an area near Garrock Head in fine weather, and midway between the north end of the Great Cumbrae and the Island of Bute in stormy weather, if the officers of the Board of Trade have surveyed the contemplated depositing grounds; and, if so, whether they have reported that the proposed deposits over these areas will not in any way interfere with navigation by the formation of banks, be prejudicial to fish life, or pollute the shores of the Island of Bute or the Cumbraes; and whether he will undertake to protect public rights the rights of fishermen and the residents in the localities concerned?


I am advised that the existing depth of water at the proposed areas of deposit is upwards of 40 fathoms off Garrock Head, and 30 fathoms between the Islands of Bute and Great Cumbrae. It is obvious that any deposit that may be permitted in these depths of water will not interfere in any way with navigation. Further, the Board, with their present information, understand that there is practically no existing fishery at the proposed sites. The proposal of the Clyde Trustees was directed by the Board of Trade to be advertised by the Trustees with the express object of ascertaining what local objections, if any, either fishery or otherwise, may exist. If necessary a local inquiry will be held by an officer of the Board, who will hear all parties, and will be directed to report whether public or other rights will be affected, and in the event of any deposit being permitted what regulations or restrictions it may be necessary to enforce.