§ MR. BARTLEYI beg to ask the Postmaster General whether he has circulated a very popular tract, or leaflet, to every household in the Kingdom, showing the advantages afforded by the recent changes in the Post Office Savings Bank; and, if he has not done so, whether he will consider the advisability of so doing?
§ MR. A. MORLEYA leaflet, in a popular form, showing the advantages which have been obtained by the new Savings Banks Act, has been prepared, and will be sent out to the depositors in the Post Office Savings Bank through the medium of their deposit books. These books are examined and returned in large numbers at this period of the year. In addition to this leaflet, posters and window bills, drawing special attention to the principal features of the now Act, have already been sent out for exhibition at the 11,000 Post Office Savings Banks.
§ MR. BARTLEYMay I ask if the right hon. Gentleman is aware that the late Mr. Faweett, when a considerable alteration was made in the regulations of the Post Office Savings Bank, sent a popular Circular to every house in the country? In order to increase the facilities for thrift, will the right hon. Gentleman follow that example?
§ MR. A. MORLEYI will inquire.