MR. LLOYD-GEORGE&c.) (Carnarvon,I beg to ask the hon. Member for Merionethshire whether the Charity Commissioners have raised any difficulties in the way of putting the Welsh Intermediate Education Act into operation in the town of Carnarvon; what is the 207 nature of their objections; and whether there is any immediate prospect of such difficulties being removed?
§ THE PARLIAMENTARY CHARITY COMMISSIONER (Mr. T. E. ELLIS,) MerionethshireThe Commissioners have pointed out that the Local Governing Body have not as yet raised the amount of local contribution required by the scheme to enable that Body on its own initiative to open a temporary school at Carnarvon. The difficulty may be overcome if the County Governing Body decides to waive that condition, and makes such proposals as the Commissioners can approve for permitting the Carnarvon County School to be opened in temporary premises.