HC Deb 05 December 1893 vol 19 c477
Mr. F. S. STEVENSON (Suffolk, Eye)

I beg to ask the President of the Local Government Board whether he is able to make any further statement as to the inquiry into the circumstances attending the removal of Elijah Warne and his wife from Worlingworth, in the Hoxne Union, to the Workhouse at Eye, and their subsequent death?


Copies of the depositions taken at the inquests in the cases referred to have been received, as also the explanation offered by the relieving officer and the observations of the Guardians. These have received careful consideration, and a letter has been addressed to the Guardians severely censuring the relieving officer, and expressing the Board's marked disapproval of the arrangements made and the means of conveyance used for the removal of these persons to the workhouse. The Guardians have been informed that it is only in deference to their strong representations in behalf of their relieving officer and to his previous good service that the Board have abstained from requiring his resignation.