HC Deb 24 August 1893 vol 16 c963
MR. YERBURGH (Chester)

I beg to ask the Secretary of State for the Home Department whether he can give the number of accidents that have been caused since 1st January, 1892, by the breakage of chains in mines, quarries, and factories, and on railways, canals, and all other places where cranes are used?


The Inspectors of Mines state that no fatal accidents from the above cause have been reported to them during 1892 either as regards mines or quarries. The Chief Inspector of Factories has no available figures on the subject; but he declares that such accidents from the breaking of crane-chains in factories, as the Factory Acts require to be reported, are very rare. The Board of Trade state that they are unable as regards railways to give details of accidents from the breakage of crane-chains as distinguished from other accidents. As regards wharves and quays, there is no statutory obligation under which accidents occurring there must be reported to a Government Department. The Government have introduced a Bill —the Notice of Accidents Bill—which would impose such obligation, but it has not yet been read a second time.