§ COLONEL HOWARD VINCENTI beg to ask the President of the Board of Trade when the long-promised Report of the Commissioners sent to the United States to see how Americans returned pauper candidates for admission to the Republic to this country will be laid before Parliament; and if, having regard to the increasing number of Englishmen unable to find employment in the Metropolis and elsewhere in Great Britain owing to the continuance and aggravation of the 12 months' depression, Her Majesty's Government intend to propose any limitation on the wholesale immigration of foreign competitors?
§ MR. MUNDELLAThe two Reports referred to were presented yesterday, and will, I hope, be circulated during the present month, and the Labour Department has one in preparation which will shortly follow. Pending the consideration of these Reports, I think it is hardly desirable to make any statement on the subject.
§ COLONEL HOWARD VINCENTWhen will the Reports be issued?
§ MR. MUNDELLASome day during the present month. They are in the printer's hands.