§ MR. SEXTONI beg to ask the Chief Secretary to the Lord Lieutenant of Ireland whether he is aware that at 3 a.m. on the 30th ultimo a Sheriff's bailiff, named John Daly, made an illegal 1342 seizure of cattle, the property of Patrick Casey, a tenant of Mr. D. O'Connell, at Feeromoyle, County Kerry; that the bailiff, on being called upon to exhibit his authority, assaulted the tenant and his son, who, for acting in self-defence, were arrested, taken in custody to Cahirciveen, 10 miles distant, detained there in the bridewell for two days, bail being refused, and finally discharged at the Petty Sessions on the following day, on the ground that the seizure was illegal; whether it was legal to place the cattle, not in a public pound, but in a private building, the property of the Sheriff's bailiff, and to detain them after the seizure had been declared illegal; and whether the police, before affording protection to the bailiff, adopted any means to satisfy themselves whether he was authorised to make the seizure?
MR. J. MORLEYI have called for a Report on this question, but have not yet received it. Perhaps the hon. Gentleman will be good enough to repeat the question on Monday next.