§ MR. J. E. ELLIS (Nottingham, Rushcliffe)I beg to ask the First Lord of the Treasury when it is proposed to go into Committee of Supply on the Civil Service Estimates?
§ MR. A. J. BALFOURI can hardly answer Question 71 without making a speech. By arrangements admitted by all parts of the House, it is understood that we finish the Second Reading of the Small Holdings Bill to-night. To-morrow, at the Morning Sitting, I propose to take and finish the First Reading of the Private Bill Procedure Bill, and then to take Supply as the second Order, as far as is practicable. On Monday I shall hope to take the Second Reading of the India Councils Bill and the Clergy Discipline Bill. I cannot at present commit myself to say in what order I shall put them down; but I shall be prepared to answer that question to-morrow. On Tuesday morning I propose to take the Civil 1693 Service Estimates, and there can then be the discussion on the Motion that you, Sir, do now leave the Chair. It has been usual, I think, to take this on Monday or Thursday; but I think this course will be convenient to everybody concerned, and if it were found impossible—as I hope it will not be—to get the Speaker out of the Chair on Tuesday afternoon, we could finish the discussion on Friday next week. The House will see that I am limited by the Resolution of the House to take only Financial Business on Tuesday. On Thursday I shall propose to take the Second Reading of the Scotch Equivalent Grant Bill. On Monday week I shall ask the House to enable me to make such arrangements as will secure the finishing of the Committee on the Small Holdings Bill before Easter, and I think there should be no difficulty in that, and in taking the Second Reading of the Irish Education Bill, which is in charge of my right hon. Friend behind me.
§ MR. SEXTON (Belfast, W.)On what day after Monday week?
§ MR. A. J. BALFOURI will give notice of a day, as it partly depends on the length of time taken in Committee on the Small Holdings Bill.