HC Deb 24 March 1892 vol 2 cc1692-3
MR. J. E. ELLIS (Nottingham, Rushcliffe)

I beg to ask the First Lord of the Treasury when it is proposed to go into Committee of Supply on the Civil Service Estimates?


I can hardly answer Question 71 without making a speech. By arrangements admitted by all parts of the House, it is understood that we finish the Second Reading of the Small Holdings Bill to-night. To-morrow, at the Morning Sitting, I propose to take and finish the First Reading of the Private Bill Procedure Bill, and then to take Supply as the second Order, as far as is practicable. On Monday I shall hope to take the Second Reading of the India Councils Bill and the Clergy Discipline Bill. I cannot at present commit myself to say in what order I shall put them down; but I shall be prepared to answer that question to-morrow. On Tuesday morning I propose to take the Civil Service Estimates, and there can then be the discussion on the Motion that you, Sir, do now leave the Chair. It has been usual, I think, to take this on Monday or Thursday; but I think this course will be convenient to everybody concerned, and if it were found impossible—as I hope it will not be—to get the Speaker out of the Chair on Tuesday afternoon, we could finish the discussion on Friday next week. The House will see that I am limited by the Resolution of the House to take only Financial Business on Tuesday. On Thursday I shall propose to take the Second Reading of the Scotch Equivalent Grant Bill. On Monday week I shall ask the House to enable me to make such arrangements as will secure the finishing of the Committee on the Small Holdings Bill before Easter, and I think there should be no difficulty in that, and in taking the Second Reading of the Irish Education Bill, which is in charge of my right hon. Friend behind me.

MR. SEXTON (Belfast, W.)

On what day after Monday week?


I will give notice of a day, as it partly depends on the length of time taken in Committee on the Small Holdings Bill.