§ MR. M'CARTAN (Down, S.)I beg to ask the Chief Secretary to the Lord Lieutenant of Ireland whether he is aware of the low state of health of Joseph Mullett, now confined in Maryborough Gaol; whether his attention has been called to the report in the National Press of 17th November, 1891, of the proceedings at the inquest on the remains of P. W. Nally (Mullett's former fellow prisoner, who died in Mountjoy Prison), wherein the following statement appears as having been written by Nally from Downpatrick Gaol:—
Poor Joe Mullett is very delicate. Every morning we expect to hear of his being found dead. It is not the doctor's fault. He has made several reports concerning him, yet the Board take no notice of them";and whether, under the circumstances, and in view of the long term of im- 886 prisonment which Mullett has already suffered, he will consider the desirability of releasing him?
§ * MR. JACKSONThe General Prisons Board report that there is no ground for the suggestion contained in this question as to the alleged serious state of the health of the convict Joseph Mullett; but that, on the contrary, his general health has advanced, and he has within the past year increased a stone in weight.