HC Deb 22 February 1892 vol 1 c885
MR. O'KEEFFE (Limerick)

I beg to ask the President of the Board of Agriculture if, in the interest of promoting better breeding of horses amongst the farmers in Ireland, he will recommend a further distribution of the Queen's Plates for winners of races in that country; and whether, in view of the fact that such plates are now practically confined to entries at the Curragh Race Meetings, he will, on every requirement being satisfied, restore to the Limerick Race Stewards the Queen's Plate formerly for many years at their disposal?


I am not aware of any intention to ask Parliament to provide an increased amount for Queen's Plates in Ireland. But I would remind the hon. Member that the present Government have, under the Probate Duties Act of 1888, provided a sum of £5,000 annually, payable to the Royal Dublin Society, for the improvement of the breed of horses and cattle in Ireland; and the Congested Districts Board are also taking important steps in that direction. As regards the particular case of Limerick, the races there had one of the Queen's Plates apparently for but a very short period. It was withdrawn some 22 years ago in consequence of the course there not being suitable, and given to Cork. I am not aware of any generally expressed desire to remove this plate from Cork.