HC Deb 28 April 1892 vol 3 c1575

I beg to ask the Financial Secretary to the War Office whether he has lately received from the Lewis District Committee of the Ross-shire County Council a Petition praying him to cause the militiamen of Lewis to be in future trained at Stornoway; whether he is aware that a large amount of sickness and death is caused in the island from infectious and other diseases contracted by the men while training in Fort George, and communicated by them to their friends and neighbours on their return home; whether he has fully considered the subject, and what decision he has come to thereon; and, if he has not definitely decided the matter, within what space of time will he be prepared to inform the House of his decision?


The question of training the battalion to which the Lewis men belong at Stornoway was carefully considered in 1887, and was negatived, as the men would have to be under canvas in an inclement season. These circumstances do not appear to have changed, nor has any complaint been made, so far as I am aware, that infectious and other diseases have been taken home by the men of the regiment. A Petition has been lately received and will be duly considered. It proposes, however, that a new Militia battalion shall be raised at Lewis, with headquarters at Stornoway. Even had it been considered desirable time would not have admitted of the proposal being carried out this year.