HC Deb 26 April 1892 vol 3 c1391

Will the President of the Board of Trade say if he will grant the Return in reference to the hours of labour of railway servants, notice of which I have on the Paper?


It really amounts to a collection of extracts from Papers already laid before the House; but I have no objection if the hon. Member presses it.


I will move for the Return now.

Return ordered— Of all instances in which the Inspectors of the Board of Trade, in their Reports on Railway Accidents inquired into by them since and including the year 1884, have represented that the hours of any of the railway servants on duty on the occasion of such accidents have been unduly long, stating the name, date, and nature of such accidents, and the Railway or Railways on which they occurred, and giving in full the Passages in such Reports relating to such unduly long Hours.—(Mr. Channing.)