HC Deb 28 May 1891 vol 353 c1178
MR. MONTAGU (Tower Hamlets, Whitechapel)

I beg to ask the Secretary of State for War if he has sanctioned the following regulations for the admission of the public to the riverside walk at the Tower of London:—That the public must enter and leave only by the Barrier Gate, Tower Hill; that persons must be properly dressed; that the hours of admission be on Saturdays from 10 a.m. till half an hour before sunset, and on Sundays from 2 p.m. till half an hour before sunset; whether he will facilitate locomotion by allowing the public also to pass in and out of the East Gate, near the New Tower Bridge; whether he will remove the restriction as to dress, which is not prescribed in the regulations for admission to Kensington Gardens; and whether, in consideration of the admission being restricted to about half a day on Sundays, he will admit the public also on Wednesdays, or some other week day?

THE SECRETARY OF STATE FOR WAR (Mr. E. STANHOPE,) Lincolnshire, Horncastle

I presume that by the "Riverside Walk" the hon. Member alludes to the "Tower Wharf," which may at any time be required for the Public Service, and which, of course, we retain the right of closing when necessary. The regulations in question have been approved by Her Majesty, and I would observe upon them that the rule as to persons being properly and decently dressed is one which is obviously necessary in this and in all similar cases. I am informed that the opening of the east gate would not benefit any resident population. I may say that I do not want to facilitate locomotion as the hon. Member proposes, but to make such use of the open space for the benefit of the resident population in the neighbourhood as is consistent with the requirements of Public Service. Practically the wharf is also open to the public on Mondays, and I see no reason to recommend any further extension.