§ MR. THOMAS ELLISI beg to ask the Vice President of the Committee of Council on Education whether, in this year's publication of the Report on Elementary Education in Wales, he will include so much of Part IV. of the Appendix regarding the accommodation, average attendance, and annual grants earned by each school as relates to Wales and Monmouth; whether the comparative table showing the results of the work of two years, published in the Welsh Report of 1889, will be continued in this year's Report, and whether this valuable table can be so extended as to show the results of the work of 1890 as compared with 1870; whether the Welsh Inspectoral Division can be so re-arranged by the inclusion of Radnorshire and the exclusion of certain border parishes of Cheshire and Shropshire as to make it coterminous with the educational area of the Welsh Intermediate Education Act and the Charters of the University Colleges of Wales; and, whether, in future, an annual instead of a biennial Report on elementary education in Wales will be published?
§ SIR W. HART DYKEThat part of the Appendix to which the hon. Member refers, so far as it relates to Wales will, in accordance with the undertaking given two years ago, be included in the Report of the Chief Inspector for the Welsh Division, and the comparative table will be continued, but there is no material for its extension so as to show the particulars for 1870. I think it desirable to make such a change as that suggested in the boundaries of the Division, if it can be done consistently with administrative economy, and I will bear the matter in mind in connection with any re-arrangement of the districts on the Welsh border that may hereafter be effected. The Welsh Division is one of ten into which England and Wales are divided, and it would be impossible, looking to the distribution of work that 689 devolves upon the Inspectors in charge of these Divisions, to demand of them a General Report for each year, nor do I think any public object would be served by doing so.