§ DR. FARQUHARSON (Aberdeenshire, W.)I beg to ask the Secretary of State for War whether he will direct an inquiry to be made into the circumstances under which H. M. S. Malabar recently arrived in England with 500 invalids on board, of whom 100 or more were very ill, and about 40 were absolutely helpless: whether the actual hospital accommodation on board consisted of a cabin capable, when absolutely crammed, of holding 35 berths arranged in two tiers, and whether, under these conditions, erysipelas spread so rapidly that it was necessary to have some cases behind at Aden, with the view of trying to stop the further progress of the disease; whether the surplus sick had to be put up in cots slung along the port side of the main troop deck, where they were insufficiently protected from cold, and exposed to the dust and dirt of coaling; and whether he will try and arrange that in future invalids shall be conveyed in troop ships properly adapted for the care of the sick?
§ *THE SECRETARY OF STATE TOR WAR (Mr. E. STANHOPE,) Lincolnshire, HorncastleThe embarcation of these troops from India is entirely regulated 1410 by the Government of India. I have requested the Secretary of State for India to give the matter his consideration, and an investigation is now taking place.