§ MR. M'CARTANI beg to ask the Postmaster General whether he is aware that for several years clerks in the Central Telegraph Office, at small salaries, have performed overtime of four hours and upwards without the "quarter rate"; whether he will make inquiry into these cases, with the view of paying these clerks the "rate" to which they are entitled; whether clerks are employed on wires rented by newspaper proprietors from 6 p.m. to 6 a.m., although the night duty in the Central Office was, owing to its severity, reduced from eight to seven hours; whether, considering the heavy work on their wires, he will consider the desirability of dividing these duties; and whether, having regard to the fact that telegraph clerks frequently perform from eight to 13 hours duty on Sundays, he will allow them a relief to obtain, at least, one meal?
§ MR. RAIKESI am not aware that any telegraphists in the Central Telegraph Office who perform overtime for the Department in excess of three hours have not received the extra quarter rate. If any such cases are brought under the notice of the Controller the proper payment will be allowed. The question of dividing the duties at the newspaper special wires has on several occasions been considered, but it has not been deemed desirable to do so, as such an arrangement would be inconvenient both to the officers themselves and to the Department, and would not, I think, be acceptable to the newspapers. The telegraphists, I may mention, are able to secure intervals for rest and refreshment. I am assured, with reference to the last question asked by the hon. Member, that the telegraphists on duty on Sundays have ample opportunity for eating their meals undisturbed.