§ MR. JOHNSTON (Belfast, S.)I beg-to ask the right hon. Gentleman the Member for Stirling Burghs whether it is his intention to ask the House to proceed with the Religious Disabilities Removal Bill, which stands on the list of Orders for Second Reading tonight?
§ *MR. CAMPBELL BANNERMANI have had no notice of this question.
§ *MR. JOHNSTONI apologise for not having given intimation of my question.
§ *MR. CAMPBELL-BANNERMANI may remind the hon. Member that the day for which the Bill was put down was unfortunately taken from me by the exigencies of public business, and since then I confess that the Bill has been in a hopeless position on the Notice Paper. I fully recognise it is a Bill as to which opportunity should be 1539 given to the House to express its opinion, and the object of the Bill requires a full statement in explanation. Candidly, I do not think that an opportunity for this is likely to be afforded this Session; and I do not think it would be fair to avail myself of the casual chance of obtaining a Second Reading at the end of an evening. I think, therefore, I shall best consult the wishes of the hon. Member, as well as my own view of the convenience of the House, by moving at the proper time that the Order be discharged.