HC Deb 15 April 1890 vol 343 c560

I wish to ask the First Lord of the Treasury whether his attention has been directed to a paragraph which appeared in the Pall Mall Gazette of yesterday evening to the effect that on Saturday the East London Coroner had before him the case of a man who had dropped dead at the feet of his paymaster and whose death the doctor said was from starvation; and whether the right hon. Gentleman can inform the House whether other cases of a like lamentable nature have been reported as having occurred at the East-end; and whether it will be possible to do something to organise labour in that quarter so that such cases may not occur in future?


The hon. Gentleman has not given me any notice whatever of the question. I do not complain of that, but I am sure he will see—and the House will see—that a demand upon the Government to organise labour without any notice whatever is one which the Government cannot undertake to deal with. I am not aware of any measures which any Government could take which would prevent such a sad and sorrowful occurrence as that to which the hon. Gentleman has referred.


The right hon. Gentleman has not answered the question whether information of other cases of a like kind have reached the Government.


No such information has reached Her Majesty's Government. These matters are dealt with, as a rule, by the Local Authorities, who have ample means of dealing with them.