§ MR. CONDON (Tipperary, E.)I beg to ask the Chief Secretary to the Lord Lieutenant of Ireland, whether his attention has been called to the report in the Freeman's Journal of the 4th instant, of the assault made by the police on the people at and outside the railway station, Clonmel, on the arrival of Dr. Tanner, M. P., thereon Sunday morning last; whether he will give the name of the policeman who told the representative of the Tipperary Nationalist to "go to the devil," on his asking to see the sergeant in charge, with the view to get admission to the station as a pressman; whether he will also give the name of the constable who on that occasion said "that they were determined to make these fellows smell pepper to night;" whether he is aware that this reporter was afterwards, when quietly standing against the wall, attacked by constables, who assaulted him with batons, and caused him to bleed profusely, by inflicting several severe wounds on him; whether it is true, as reported, that the police subsequently set upon the people indiscriminately, using their batons freely on every person within their reach; whether he will give the name of the officer who is alleged to have brandished his naked sword at the prison gate, swinging it about in the face of the people; and, whether, considering the number of innocent persons maltreated and wounded, he will cause an independent inquiry to be made into all the circumstances in connection with the alleged illegal conduct of the police?
§ * MR. A. J. BALFOURAs this Question appears in this morning able to receive a detailed reply. I have, however, received the following telegraphic report on the subject:— 969
Report in to-day's Freeman of occurrences at Clonmel on Tanner's arrival on Sunday morning much exaggerated; some stones were thrown at police, who, using their batons, at once dispersed all crowds; no one seriously injured. It is true that a military officer at chapel ordered soldiers to leave; attempts were made outside to roughly handle him, but police at once interfered. Warrant to arrest man who committed assault was issued.