HC Deb 27 November 1888 vol 331 cc311-2
MR. T. P. O'CONNOR (Liverpool, Scotland)

asked the Postmaster General, Whether he is aware that the keeper of a sub post office, No. 118, Southampton Row, is exhibiting in his windows election bills in favour of Mr. Gainsford Bruce, Q.C., the Conservative candidate for Holborn; and, if so, whether the exhibition of Party bills is not a violation of the Rules of the Service?

MR. JOHNSTON (Belfast, S.)

inquired whether it was not a fact that at the branch post office at Rathmines, in Ireland, the cartoons of The Weekly Freeman, caricaturing the Government and the Chief Secretary, were constantly displayed?

THE POSTMASTER GENERAL (Mr. RAISES) (Cambridge University)

I think the hon. Member has asked that Question before; and I think he will see from the answer which I am about to give that the case he mentions does not fall within the same category? With regard to the Question on the Paper, as soon as it came to my knowledge—which it did by the hon. Member's Question—that the post-office receiver at No. 118, Southampton Row, was exhibiting in his window the election bill in question, I gave immediate directions that it was to be taken down, the exhibition of any political notice in a post-office window during an election being in contravention of Rule.