MR. G. W. ELLIOT (York, N.R., Richmond)asked the Secretary of State for the Home Department, If, considering the inconvenience, labour, cost, and annoyance caused to common jurors owing to the distances they have to travel, the interference with their occupation, and otherwise, he will entertain the advisability of affording some substantial remuneration to common jurors; and if he can inform the House on what ground the distinction now exists as between common jurors and special jurors with regard to remuneration, especially as the special juror is in a better position to meet the difficulties of the position?
THE ATTORNEY GENERAL (Sir RICHARD WEBSTER)(who replied) (Isle of Wight)said: I am well aware that common jurors have to incur considerable expense in travelling, and in other ways. At the same time, it is a very difficult question whether it is or is not desirable to give them substantial remuneration. The distinction between common jurors and special jurors rests upon Statute Law. I am not prepared to say that I will introduce a measure dealing with this question; but I recognize that it will have to be considered in the event of any large alteration of the existing law.
§ MR. BRADLAUGH (Northampton)asked, Whether the allowances given to common jurors did not vary enormously in different parts of the country?
§ SIR RICHARD WEBSTERI am not aware that that is the case. My impression is that common jurors always receive about the same figure.