HC Deb 23 March 1888 vol 324 c185

asked the Chief Secreeary to the Lord Lieutenant of Ireland, If he has received any Reports from magistrates or others as to the destitution occasioned on the shallow soil of Arran by the past dry season; and, what measures have been undertaken by the Government to give seed potatoes or other relief to the Islanders?

THE PARLIAMENTARY UNDER SECRETARY (Colonel KING-HARMAN) (Kent, Isle of Thanet) (who replied) said

The Government have received Reports on the present condition of the Arran Islanders, which appears to be mainly due to a failure of the potato crop last year. They have arranged for the distribution of seed potatoes; but a difficulty has arisen in regard to obtaining a suitable time. A private Relief Committee has been also formed, who are about to furnish the Islanders with a supply of potatoes for current consumption.