HC Deb 09 March 1888 vol 323 c704

asked the Postmaster General, How the German and French Post Offices can carry letters from Shanghai to London for 2½d., while it does not pay the British Post Office to do so for less than 5d.; has he inquired what proportion the British trade bears to the French and German trade with Shanghai; would it be possible to get a Return of the cost of the maintenance of each Post Office, and the amount paid in postage at Shanghai at the British, the French, and the German Post Offices; and, if not, can he give the amount received for stamps at the English Post Office at Shanghai, and the salary paid to the staff there?

THE POSTMASTER GENERAL (Mr. RAIKES) (Cambridge University)

, in reply, said, he had fully answered this Question some time ago. The French and German Post Offices had the option of levying, or not levying, additional postage on sea-borne letters. He did not see what useful purpose would be served by inquiring as to the latter part of the Question.