§ MR. M'CARTAN (Down, S.)asked the Chief Secretary to the Lord Lieutenant of Ireland, Whether it is a fact that no arrangement has yet been made to hold a sitting of a Sub-Commission in Keady, which it was promised would be held in June; whether about 200 applications to have fair rents fixed in 1551 the district of Keady remain unheard; whether he is aware that in a number of these cases eviction notices have been served by the landlords on the applicants; and, if he can state on what date a Sub-Commission will sit at Keady, and the names of the persons who will constitute the Sub-Commission?
THE CHIEF SECRETARY (Mr. A. J. BALFCUR) (Manchester, E.)The Land Commissioners inform me that in March last they hoped to be in a position to have a Sub-Commission at Keady in June; but the cases in the County of Down were very important, and it was found more to the public advantage to continue the Sub-Commission in that county. There are about 190 applications to fix fair rents undisposed of from the Keady District. The Land Commissioners cannot yet state when the next Sub-Commission will sit at Keady, or the names of the persons who will constitute the Sub-Commission.
§ THE LORD MAYOR OF DUBLIN (Mr. SEXTON) (Belfast, W.)asked, whether in view of the positive promise made in March last by the Chief Secretary that a Sub-Commission would sit at Keady in the month of June, he would take steps to see that a Court would immediately sit there, especially as numbers of unfortunate people were threatened with eviction?
§ MR. A. J. BALFOURsaid, it was not in his power to determine when a Sub-Commission should sit, nor did he ever give a promise that one would sit at Keady in June. He said that the Commission intended to have a sitting at that place at that time.