HC Deb 07 June 1888 vol 326 c1387
MR. S. SMITH (Flintshire)

asked the Secretary of State for the Home Department, Whether his attention has been drawn to the performances on Whit Monday at the Crystal Palace of a female aeronaut, who ascended some mile and a-half into the air, hanging to a balloon by her teeth; and, whether he is prepared to take any steps for the suppression of such exhibitions?


No, Sir; I had not seen an account of this performance; but I am advised that the law does not prohibit public performances on account of their danger to an adult performer, and that I have no authority to interfere. The law leaves these matters to the good taste and feeling of the community, which, I hope, will always be sufficient to discourage any unseemly exhibition. I understand that the danger in this case is more apparent than real, as the woman is really suspended from the car.