§ MR. GOURLEY (Sunderland)asked the Under Secretary of State for the Colonies, What measures Her Majesty's Government, in conjunction with that of the Dominion Government, have adopted for the purpose of preventing the crows of armed Canadian sealing schooners, recently assembled at Victoria (British Columbia), from carrying out their threats of resisting the authority of American cruisers in the prohibited waters of Behring Straits; and, when the correspondence, regarding Alaska's Fisheries Disputes, will be laid on the Table of the House?
§ THE UNDER SECRETARY OF STATE FOR FOREIGN AFFAIRS (Sir JAMES FERGUSSON) (Manchester, N.E.)(who replied) said: I am informed that the Government of the Dominion have cautioned porsons engaging in sealing expeditions in the Behring Sea from using force in the event of their being interfered with by the United States officers. The questions involved are the subject of consideration by the Governments of Her Majesty and the United States; and it would not be convenient or usual to present the Correspondence before it is concluded.
§ In answer to a further Question from Mr. GOURLEY,
§ SIR JAMES FERGUSSONsaid, that the Correspondence between Her Majesty's Government and the Government of the United States was being conducted diplomatically and in a friendly manner, and he deprecated any discussion upon the matter at present.