HC Deb 16 February 1888 vol 322 cc547-8
VISCOUNT CURZON (Bucks, Wycombe)

asked the President of the Local Government Board, Whether it is the intention of the Government to give effect, by legislation or otherwise, to the recommendations of the Select Committee of the House of Lords on Rabies in Dogs; and, whether it is in his power to lay upon the Table of the House a Return showing the number of deaths from hydrophobia during the last 10 years?

THE PEESIDENT (Mr. RITCHIE) (Tower Hamlets, St. George's)

The subject of rabies in dogs is receiving the attention of Her Majesty's Government, and the Privy Council Office are in communication with some Local Authorities with reference to the restrictions which may be necessary in connection with it. If it should be considered that further powers are required they will be asked for. If my noble Friend moves for a Return of the number of deaths from hydrophobia in England and Wales from 1877 to 1886, the Motion will be agreed to by the Government. The average annual number of deaths in England and Wales during the 10 years referred to was 40, and the average number in London from 1878 to 1887 was seven. The total number of deaths in England and Wales from hydrophobia in 1885 was 60, of which 27 were in London; in 1886 it was 26, of which nine were in London. The number of deaths in London in 1887 was two. I am unable to supply the total number in England and Wales for 1887.