§ THE LORD MAYOR OF DUBLIN (Mr. SEXTON) (Belfast, W.)asked the Chief Secretary to the Lord Lieutenant of Ireland, Whether, having regard to the circumstances under which the annual contribution of the City of Dublin to the maintenance of the Richmond District Lunatic Asylum was not levied during the present year, and falls upon the rate of next year, the Irish Executive will agree to follow a precedent established in a similar case, by assenting to the addition of one-fourth of the contribution leviable, in the ordinary course, in the rate for 1889, to the annual levy for each of the next four years; and, whether particulars will be given by the Inspectors of Asylums to the Corporation of Dublin of cases becoming chargeable to the city from time to time?
§ THE CHIEF SECRETARY (Mr. A. J. BALFOUR) (Manchester, E.)I understand that, with the consent of the Board of Richmond Lunatic Asylum, an arrangement has been come to with the Corporation, who will now present for the charge for 16 months, being the amount for the current year, and for four months of the ensuing year, and they will make like presentments during each of the next two years. An Order in Council will be forthwith passed authorizing this arrangement. I cannot answer the second part of the Question.