HC Deb 06 December 1888 vol 331 c1252
MR. DILLON (Mayo, E.)

asked Mr. Solicitor General for Ireland, Whether he can state in detail the amount spent in connection with attempts to suppress the proclaimed branch of the National League at Meelin, in the County of Cork, including cost of various trials, drafting in of extra police, removal of prisoners to gaol, &c.?

THE CHIEF SECRETARY FOR IRELAND (Mr. A. J. BALFOTTR)(who replied) (Manchester, E.)

said: The Constabulary Authorities report that it would not be practicable to ascertain what expense was incurred in the matter alluded to without making an examination of the accounts for several months past, which would require a considerable time, and seriously interfere with their ordinary duties. I am afraid that I cannot give the information.


said that the Solicitor General for Ireland told him last week that he was engaged in making out the account; and a precisely similar account had been made by the right hon. Member for Bristol (Sir Michael Hicks-Beach).


If the hon. Member is anxious for the accounts, I will make further inquiries, and see whether it can be obtained; but I cannot promise to alter the decision.


I am extremely anxious to have the information, and must ask the right hon. Gentleman to do everything he can to obtain it.