HC Deb 03 August 1888 vol 329 cc1402-3
DR. FARQUHARSON (Aberdeenshire, W.)

asked the noble Lord the Member for Lewisham, Whether his attention has been called to the following extract from a lecture delivered at the University of London by Dr. Sims Woodhead, Sanitary Research Scholar of the Grocer's Company, and reported in The Lancet of July 14:— It is, of course, impossible to bring direct experimental proof to bear on the case of the human subject; but the indirect evidence recently adduced by various Continental observers, and the examination of series of cases, should be very strong evidence indeed that in children, especially those who are subject to the wretched hygienic treatment and bad feeding to which, unfortunately, so many of our poorer class children are exposed, tuberculosis may be contracted as the result of the ingestion of milk from tuberculous udders; and, whether, in consideration of such an alarming opinion from a high scientific authority, he will consider the possibility of establishing some such systematic inspection of dairies as is now carried out in Copenhagen?


The question of including tuberculosis among the diseases dealt with under the Contagious Diseases (Animals) Act is under consideration, together with other recommendations of the Committee, which has recently reported. All the powers of the Privy Council, with regard to dairies and cow-sheds, were transferred to the Local Government Board under the Amending Act of 1886, except so far as regards animal diseases.