HC Deb 23 April 1888 vol 325 c172
MR. J. O'CONNOR (Tipperary, S.)

asked the Secretary of State for War, Whether he has seen the following account, taken from The Cork Herald of Thursday, 19th instant, of an encounter between the soldiers of the Derbyshire Regiment, stationed at Clarecastle, County Clare, and civilians:— Ennis, Wednesday. Last night several soldiers belonging to the Derbyshire Regiment, stationed at Clarecastle, with headquarters at Limerick, had an altercation with some civilians, terminating in a fierce encounter, in which stones were freely used on both sides, to the injury of the combatants. The military, however, not content with the result of the engagement, commenced to demolish the windows of a range of houses in the vicinity of the barracks, including that of the Rev. Sylvester Malone, the Parish Priest of the district, which they completely wrecked. They were interrupted in their work of destruction by a military picquet, who, with the aid of the local police, succeeded in placing them under arrest; and, whether, having regard to the frequent hostile meetings of the men of this regiment, with people of Clare and Limerick, he will remove them from the district?

THE FINANCIAL SECRETARY, WAR DEPARTMENT (Mr. BROCRICK)(who replied) said (Surrey, Guildford)

I beg to state that the account of the affair appears to have been greatly exaggerated. There was some dispute between three soldiers of the Derbyshire Regiment and some civilians, and stones were thrown and some windows were broken. It is quite uncertain by which party the damage was done; but the damage has been paid. There appears to be no ground for holding an official inquiry.


Has the hon. Gentleman seen a report of a collision between some men of this same regiment and a number of civilians at Limerick within the last few days?


I have not seen that.