§ MR. SEAGER HUNT (Marylebone, W.)asked the Postmaster General, Whether it is a fact that Tom Dredge, a postman in the N.W. Division, has recently been degraded from the 1st to the 2nd Class because he wrote to the public Press in contravention of Rule 42 of G.P.O. Orders, thereby losing status, seniority, and pay, to the extent of 4s. per week; if so, whether it is true that another officer in the S.E. Division broke the Rule in exactly the same way, but has not been similarly degraded?
§ SIR HERBERT MAXWELL (A LORD of the TREASURY)(who replied) said (Wigton)It is the fact that the postman Dredge has been degraded, as represented by the hon. Member, for systematic breaches of the Rules of the Service by attempts to stir up agitation among the postmen; and the Postmaster General is by no means sure that it would not have been right to dismiss him. He is not aware of another officer in the South-Eastern District having similarly misbehaved himself.