HC Deb 13 September 1887 vol 321 cc466-7
SIR HENRY TYLER (Great Yarmouth)

asked the Secretary to the Board of Trade, What steps have been taken in regard to the case of the Trio, of Lowestoft, whose nets were destoyed on the 8th instant by the Ostend Trawler 0. 199; and, whether Her Majesty's Government will see that justice is done, both by the punishment of the offenders, who appear to have rejoiced in the mischief which they wilfully perpetrated, and also in taking care that adequate pecuniary compensation is afforded to the outraged parties?

THE SECRETARY (Baron HENRY DE WORMS) () Liverpool, East Toxteth

The Board of Trade have received the depositions of the master and crew of the Trio, and the facts therein mentioned do not, in all their details, agree with the statements contained in the hon. Member's Question. The hon. Member can see the Papers at the Board of Trade, if ha would like to do so. The Board of Trade will request the Foreign Office to call the attention of the Belgian Government to the case, and they have no reason to anticipate that justice will not be done. I have only seen the newspaper account of the matter to which the hon. Gentleman refers.