§ MR. MACLURE (Lancashire, S.E., Stretford)asked the Secretary to the Board of Trade, Whether, seeing that 50 vessels and 300 lives were lost in the Bristol Channel during the storms of last autumn and winter, and that a Swansea firm has offered to supply the necessary coal gratis, the Admiralty are now prepared to undertake, before stormy weather again sets in, to station a powerful steam tug off the Mumbles Head, with the view of affording help to vessels in distress during the winter season, provided the wages of the seamen were guaranteed by the Local Authorities?
§ THE SECRETARY (Baron HENRY DE WORMS) (Liverpool, East Toxteth)I would refer the hon. Member to the reply given to a similar Question addressed by him on Friday last to the First Lord of the Admiralty, who stated that the Admiralty have no vessel at their disposal for the purpose. As regards the Board of Trade, I would further refer the hon. Member to a reply which I gave to a Question asked by him on the 22nd of February, and to the statement which I then made, to the effect that there are plenty of steam tugs in the district the masters of which do not, as a rule, refuse to render salvage service when practicable.