§ MR. H. J. WILSON (York, W.R., Holmfirth)asked the Chief Secretary to the Lord Lieutenant of Ireland, Whether he can explain the discrepancy between the sum of £1,411,539, given in Return 28, printed 11th February, 1887, as the total expenditure on the Royal Irish Constabulary for the year ended 31st March, 1886, and the sum of £1,387,100, given in the Appropriation Accounts, Civil Service Estimates, Class 3, Vote 29, p. 312, as the total expenditure on the Royal Irish Constabulary for the same period; and, if the sum in the Return is incorrect, whether he will cause a fresh one to be made?
§ THE CHIEF SECRETARY (Mr. A. J. BALFOUR) (Manchester, E.)): There is no real discrepancy between these Returns. The difference falls almost entirely under the head of the cost of barracks, and is caused by the fact that in the Appropriation Accounts credit is given for the sums repaid by members of the Force for lodging accommodation; while in the special Return prepared last August the gross rent of barracks is included, as the Inspector General believed that to be in conformity with the intention of the Return. There are also some smaller items, chiefly under the head of pensions paid in the Colonies, as to which the necessary documents had not been received from abroad when the Return was prepared. I shall be happy to give the hon. Member the detailed figures, if he wishes to see them.