HC Deb 24 March 1887 vol 312 cc1327-8
MR. ADDISON (Ashton-under-Lyne)

asked the Secretary of State for the Home Department, Whether his attention has been called to the great waste of judicial time, the undue protraction of the Assizes in populous places, and the heavy expenses thrown upon the country by a practice introduced of recent years, whereby the Judges of Assize try prisoners committed by the magistrates to take their trial at Quarter or Adjourned Sessions of the Peace; whether he is aware that the ancient form of the Commission of Assize for the County of Lancaster was altered a few years ago, to enable this change to be effected, and that Grand Juries in Lancashire have made presentments against the new system; and, whether Her Majesty's Government are prepared, by legislation or otherwise, to procure that prisoners committed to take their trial at Quarter or Adjourned Sessions of the Peace should (unless otherwise specially ordered) be tried there, and. not elsewhere?


The whole of this subject, including not only the times and places of holding the Criminal Assizes, but also the times for holding Sessions, has been for some time under the consideration of a Committee of the Judges, at the request of the Lord Chancellor and the Council of the Supreme Court. Their Report is very soon expected, and will receive immediate attention.