§ MR. M'CARTAN(for Mr. CONWAY) (Leitrim, N.)asked the Postmaster General, Whether his attention has been called to the repeated complaints of the inadequate deliveries of letters at the rural post office No. 3, Gurteen, Manorhamilton, County Lei-trim; whether the inhabitants have been put off repeatedly, on the plea of insufficiency of number of letters; whether the deliveries take place on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Saturdays only; whether the village of Lurgnnboy, consisting of six houses, and which is in the neighbourhood of Gurteen, has bi-daily deliveries; whether the letter carrier receives 6s. per week for his bi-daily deliveries at Lurganboy, with a slight monetary recognition for the additional journey to Gurteen tri-weekly; whether an improvement in wages of letter carrier would suffice for a daily delivery of letters at the last-named place; and, whether he will recommend that this course be adopted for the convenience of the inhabitants of the district?
§ THE POSTMASTER GENERAL (Mr. RAIKES) (Cambridge University)There is no record of any recent application for a more frequent delivery of letters at Gurteen; but I will have inquiries made whether the circumstances will admit of the improvement desired being 1145 afforded. It is the case that there are two deliveries a day at Lurganboy.